Four very different speakers from across the Printmaking globe:
(Australia, Canada, The Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates).
" Currently there is a resurgence of interest in printmaking as a viable contemporary art practise…It continues to be difficult for many administrators and non-print colleagues to understand, and accept that the transformation that has been taking place within the field of printmaking is rapidly positioning printmaking as the most dynamic, forward thinking area in the departments of visual art”
This passage from an abstract by Barbra Zeigler, is typical of what must be an indigenous understanding currently supported by many printmaking academics/artists, currently involved in education.
The Panel will discuss this growing `aura around printmaking` and make both celebrations, and considered warnings regarding the vitality and the validity of the printmaking field.
The differing national contexts within contemporary educational culture, coupled with the rapid developments in technological frontiers available for Printmaking will converge into what ought to be a provocative and lively panel discussion, particularly now in our credit crunch enlightened and effected world!