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Associated Shows at Other Venues
Spike Island - Open Impact show, 14 stands and multi participants
Irena Czapska
Spike Print Studio
Spike Print Studio, 133 Cumberland Road, Bristol BS1 6UX
A celebration of contemporary print in Bristol. Spike Print Studio has invited open access print studios from all over the UK, as well as the Alan Cristea Gallery from London to show a huge variety of contemporary work. Highlights to include work from: Christiane Baumgartner, Gordon Cheung and Sue Arrowsmith. |
RWA Open Print exhibition
Click here for more info.
Mr. Peter Ford
Royal West of England Academy
Queen's Road
A significant survey of contemporary printmaking selected from open submission. The exhibition will also include examples of recent works by invited artists from Japan, Russia and Poland. Other special features include bookplates and print works in three dimensions. |
The Undergrowth of Printmaking
Click here for more info.
Mr. Peter Ford
Off-Centre Gallery
Off-Centre Gallery
13 Cotswold Road
Windmill Hill
Bedminster, BS3 4NX
The lively world of bookplates and miniatures, pocket-sized prize-winning prints. |
SNAP cooperative members show: prints by 8 Bristol based artists
Snap Studio
Snap Studio, 20-21 Lower Park Row, Bristol BS1 5BN
Bristol based co-operative SNAP will be presenting a collection of printed artworks in their gallery. SNAP artists are: Freya Cumming, Simon Tozer, Tortie Rye, Lucie Sheridan, Katy Chard, Abi Barfield, Derek Edwards and Emma Peacock. |