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Tom Sowden
University of the West of England, UK
Panel 11
Tom is the AHRC Research Fellow in Artists’ Books at the at the Centre for Fine Print Research, UWE Bristol, currently working on the AHRC funded project: ‘In an arena including digital and traditional artists’ publishing formats – what will be the canon for the artist’s book in the 21st Century?’
The research project intends to open a responsive exploration with a collaborative, international audience of artists, academics, presses, publishers, curators, dealers, collectors and students involved in the field. The aim is to extend and sustain critical debate of what constitutes an artist’s book in the 21st Century - to publish a manifesto for a canon which will include both ‘old’ and ‘new’ formats of artists’ books publishing - in order to propose an inclusive structure for the academic study, artistic practice and historical appreciation of the artist's book:
Tom is Art Editor for the Artist’s Book Yearbook and The Blue Notebook journal for artists’ books.
Website: www.tomsowden.com
Email: Tom.Sowden@uwe.ac.uk |