Back to Biographies Prof. Deborah Cornell
Boston University, Boston, USA

Panel Chair
Panel 10
  Deborah Cornell photo  
Deborah Cornell is the Chair of Printmaking at Boston University. Her works in installation, print, and animated 3D virtual reality are shown internationally. She has had recent solo shows in Buenos Aires, Iceland, Venice, St. Petersburg Russia and in Boston. Presentations of VR work include Taiwan Normal University, Town Hall NY, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, Indiana University, and worldwide streaming. Group exhibitions include 6th Biennial at AIR Gallery NY, 5th Novosibirsk Biennial  Russia, Unexpected Consequences at Madison WI, Photo Image: Prints from 60s to 90s at Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and exhibitions in Philadelphia, New Orleans, Chicago, Cuba, China, India, Bulgaria, and across Europe.

Her works are in numerous collections including the Australian National Collection, Hangzhau Academy in China, Sakimi Art Museum Okinawa, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Purdue University Museums, Boston Public Library, IBM Corporation, Gannett Corporation, Fidelity Management, and many other public and private collections. Her work has been supported by Harvard University and by grants from the Ford Foundation, Massachusetts Cultural Council, and the Deya  Majorca Archaeological Foundation. She lectures widely including Italy, Russia, France, UK, Australia, and throughout the US. She holds a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design and an MFA from Vermont College.



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